Travel Story: A life changing Festive tour of the UK & Ireland

Winter travel, packing, Irish Sea

 Cara Travel Story, Irish Sea

Looking for a cool way to celebrate Christmas? Well, maybe not cool but literally freezing? Cara Pritchard, a daring 30-year-old veteran from Brisbane, Australia, celebrated Christmas Day by jumping into the icy Irish Sea!

This was just one of the highlights of her memorable UK & Ireland Christmas & New Year tour with Expat Explore. We caught up with Cara a month after her festive adventure began to find out why this tour was, in Cara’s words, “life changing”. 

Read all about Cara’s unforgettable festive UK & Ireland tour:

Could you summarise your UK & Ireland Christmas & New Year tour in 3 words?

Breathtaking, engaging, inspiring.

What were your highlights of the tour?

My childhood dream came true, jumping in the Irish Sea on Christmas day at Forty Foot in Ireland! It’s a 250-year-old tradition and it was such an amazing experience. It wasn’t part of the tour but my tour leader Shabby made it happen and I’ll forever be grateful. I was blown away seeing Edinburgh Castle. It’s beautiful and I enjoyed learning about its history. I was also taken aback seeing their war memorial and that they have a part for Australia. Being a veteran, that hit close to home and meant a lot to see.

The whole tour was just one highlight after the other and it was hard to choose. I’m grateful I was with Expat Explore and seeing the UK and Ireland was magical. Such beautiful places with a lot of history. From the longest town name in Wales to kissing the blarney Stone, the Ring of Kerry, tasting a Yorkshire pudding for the first time and so much more. These are memories I will have for life and this tour has changed my life for the best.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, Irish Sea
Edinburgh’s iconic castle was one of Cara’s favourite places she visited in the UK!

Related: Along with Edinburgh Castle, these are Scotland’s most visited attractions!

Is there a funny story or favourite memory of something that happened on the tour?

My favourite memory has to be jumping into the Irish Sea on Christmas day, there were only four of us but everyone else came to watch. Even the locals thought we were crazy! I went down in an Aussie Christmas t-shirt, shorts and thongs (flip flops) – the locals loved it. It was an unforgettable experience. And yes, the water was very very cold!

Irish Sea, Christmas Day
Cara in action, jumping into the freezing Irish Sea on Christmas Day!
Did you do any optional excursions on the tour? If so, which was your favourite?

I really enjoyed the traditional Spirit of Scotland show in Edinburgh. We tried haggis, it wasn’t that bad! I fell in love with the bagpipes and the night ended with everyone getting up and dancing.

Apart from the traditional Scottish entertainment, The Beatles Story Museum was my favourite, I learnt so much more about them. I then went to the Cavern Club where The Beatles played. It was a cool club, they had live music and the night was a lot of fun. 

The beatles story and museum, Irish Sea
If you only visit one Beatles spot in Liverpool, make it the Beatles Story and Museum!

Related: A fan of the Beatles? Then you simply have to read this fan’s guide to Liverpool!

Why did you decide to visit the UK and Ireland in winter? Do you have any advice for travellers visiting the region during the colder seasons?

I’ve always wanted to visit the UK and Ireland. I wanted to go when it’s cold as I feel like it adds to the experience. I come from a much warmer place and the cold weather really made me feel like I was getting more out of the experience. My advice would be to take a decent wet weather jacket and take thermals, don’t over pack as you won’t wear everything. I made that mistake. Remember, you’ll be wearing layers and sometimes it can be annoying taking them on and off and on again, it didn’t bother me but I noticed it bothered others.

Winter travel, packing, Irish Sea
Cara prepared for her winter tour by packing plenty of layers!

Related: Read our handy packing guide to prepare for visiting Europe in winter!

What made you decide to choose Expat Explore as your tour operator?

When I noticed that there was a bigger range of ages, that attracted me initially because I knew it wasn’t just going to be just drinking and partying! Then, looking at the types of tours Expat Explore offers really grabbed my attention. After my first tour with Expat Explore, I knew I’d be back!

Cara shares her valuable travel insight:

Would you consider yourself to be an explorer at heart?

Travel fills my soul, I love exploring new places, learning about the culture and the history and trying the local food. Travelling helps me learn more about the world, other people and myself. Seeing other cultures and the way they do things really can change you. Gaining the ability to adapt and overcome in a foreign country away from your support… It really helps you grow as a person.

What is it like to join a group tour as a solo traveller?

I love travelling solo, it gives you a lot of freedom even when you’re on a tour. You can have magical moments and “you time” whenever you need it. A tour is a great way to meet people from all walks of life. You have the feeling of safety being around good people and also have the majority of things organised for you. Going solo is great but solo on a tour is even better, it takes so much stress out of things.

What did you learn from the other people on tour?

During this tour I really learnt to do my own thing instead of following the crowd – you only regret that later. This group also gave me confidence to be comfortable with exactly who I am. They taught me to do the things I love now whilst I can (we had an older age group and I absolutely loved them). They reminded me that, while it’s great to travel with people, sometimes it’s better travelling solo and that I can learn so much more about myself, others and life while travelling solo.

Travel, Irish Sea
Travel is full of magical moments!

Related: Considering travelling solo? Read these expert tips!

In what ways would you say travel can change people?

It can open your eyes to new cultures and different ways of life. It can also help you grow as a person. For myself, it helped me see how much good there is in the world. It helped my confidence and has helped me see that it’s ok to be exactly who you are and not worry so much about what others think. It also helped me step out of my comfort zone and meet new people. It helps by giving you more knowledge about places. For me, that changed the way I thought about places in a positive way.

What scared you about travelling?

When I first started travelling, the thing that scared me was that, if something goes wrong, how am I going to handle it? Will I be able to handle it? The answer is yes! But, I didn’t know that at first and it almost scared me into not travelling at all. But, I took a leap of faith and I’m so glad I did.

How do you think the experience would’ve been different if you did not go on an organised group tour?

I actually did a little bit of travelling before the tour began without an organised tour and at times it got really stressful. I was a lot more tired and there is a lot of work to be done outside the sightseeing. I will definitely be back with Expat. I find comfort in knowing I only have to make it to the coach each day. If the rest doesn’t go to plan, that’s ok because I’ll be on the bus experiencing it with everyone else. Also, when you’re on your own and you don’t know much about a country or place, it can be hard to decide what to do and Google isn’t always your friend!

Coach travel, Irish Sea
Knowing that all you need to do is be on the coach at the right time makes travel a breeze!

Related: Still unsure? Discover the top reasons why group travel is the way to go!

What destinations do you want to see next and why?

Next on my list are Poland and the Czech Republic. These countries are near other countries that I’d love to go back to, so it’ll make for a great holiday and another tour with Expat Explore.

Krakow Main Market Square, Old Town Poland Destinations, Irish Sea
Krakow is one of Poland’s most beautiful cities.

Related: These are the top 5 places to visit in Poland!

What would you say to someone who’s never travelled before?

Start small and do a tour. Doing an organised tour takes out so much work and helps relieve the stress. Take the leap and go because you will see things you never thought you could. Travelling is a magnificent experience, there are so many magical places in the world to see, don’t miss out by staying home!

Daring to follow in Cara’s adventurous footsteps in the UK and Ireland? Whether you’re a thrill seeker or would love a leisurely holiday, this tour has something for everyone! Book for Christmas 2023 now or have a look at our year-round Best of UK & Ireland tour.


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