Get to know your tour leader: Peter

Tour Leader Peter, Egypt travel

If you have ever joined an Expat Explore tour, you’ll know that our tour leaders go above and beyond to make your travel experience unforgettable! And if you haven’t joined an Expat Explore tour yet, what are you waiting for?! In this blog series, we get to know more about our tour leaders including their bucket lists, favourite destinations, and even a few surprising facts! 

For this blog, we’re featuring tour leader Peter, our passionate expert in all things Egypt! Read on to learn all about Peter’s journey and discover why an Egypt travel adventure deserves a spot on every traveller’s bucket list.

Quick Facts:

  • Name: Botrous Helmy Aka (Peter)
  • Age: 47
  • Nationality: Egyptian
  • Where do you live now? Cairo
  • How many countries have you been to? 9
  • How long have you been a tour leader? 24 years, 16 years with Expat Explore!

What did you do before becoming a tour leader?

Well, I started as a barman, accountant and receptionist on one of the cruise ships between Luxor and Aswan. I was also a DJ, which I loved, a front disk manager, cruise manager assistant and then finally a tour leader! And I am in love with it. 

Egypt Tour Leader Peter
Peter showcases the many Egypt travel highlights to Expat Explore passengers!

Related: Learn all about Peter’s fellow Expat Explore Tour Leader Ege!

What made you decide to become a tour leader? 

I am in love with history and love being around people most of the time. When I was a kid, I enjoyed watching English movies but was not able to understand the language. So, I read the subtitles and decided to learn the language in order to understand the movies and learn more about English-speaking cultures. I really love learning different languages. 

I actually repeated high school twice so that I could have good enough marks to study tourism and hotel management at university in order to become a qualified tour guide. 

Tour Leader Peter, Egypt
Peter is a truly passionate Egypt travel expert!

Why should people visit Egypt? 

There are so many reasons why people should consider visiting Egypt! Here are a few:

  1. Rich History and Culture: Egypt is home to some of the world’s oldest civilizations, from the pharaohs to the pyramids. Visitors can explore fascinating history and marvel at ancient ruins and artefacts.
  2. Iconic Landmarks: Egypt is known for iconic landmarks such as the Great Sphinx, the Pyramids of Giza, and the Valley of the Kings. These historic sites offer visitors a glimpse into the country’s impressive past.
  3. Stunning Landscapes: From the lush banks of the Nile River to the vast stretches of desert, Egypt offers a diverse range of landscapes for visitors to explore.
  4. Vibrant Cities: Egypt is home to bustling cities such as Cairo and Alexandria, where visitors can experience the vibrant culture, sample delicious Egyptian cuisine, and shop in bustling markets.
  5. The Red Sea: Egypt’s Red Sea coast is a beloved destination for beach lovers. Water sports such as diving are very popular here.
Egypt travel highlights, Pyramids
One of the top highlights of Egypt travel: the Great Pyramids of Giza!

Favourite destination around the world? 

I loved the Czech Republic, so many amazing buildings and castles. Also Budapest, Hungary and Switzerland. I loved the Swiss landscape, its beautiful scenery with greenery and snow all over the mountains. In addition, I love Petra and Wadi Rum which are true highlights of Jordan. It is just amazing when I camp in the desert, lay down on the sand, look up to the sky and watch falling stars. 

Peter in Petra, Jordan
Petra is a must-see icon of Jordan.

Related: Before you go, here are some fun facts about Switzerland that you should know.

What city/country do you think everyone should visit?

Of course, my country; Egypt. It’s full of amazing sights where everyone can learn about ancient history as well as the new archaeological discoveries happening every day. Even if you are not interested in history, you can find amazing beaches to enjoy the sun, walk the lively streets, experience local life very safely and enjoy the warm welcomes from the locals. This country has a lot to offer.  

The destinations that surprised you the most? 

  1. The Giza Pyramids. Every time I am there they still surprise me. So much history behind the area and so many secrets about how they built them and why they built them. It’s just full of mystery and that is the best thing about it because everyone in the world wants to see it.
  2. Abu Simbel Temple, which is located 280km south of Aswan, was built by the most famous King Ramesses II. It blows up my mind every time I am there, that amazing masterpiece of art. When I am there, I just stand by those four massive statues, which are 20m high, and I just say “wow”. The two temples have been moved and relocated which is a great example that if the world can come together and agree on something, it will happen.
  3. Valley of the Kings in Luxor. It’s just amazing when you walk to the kings’ tombs and see original colours dating back to 1290 BC. You can see what they believed in and what would happen to them after life, how those mummies have survived until now, also their coffins, is just amazing.   
Abu Simbel
Abu Simbel Temple is one of Peter’s favourite places to visit on his Egypt travels.

Dream destination you’d still like to visit?

Switzerland, I have only been there once but this country never leaves my mind. I am just in love with its landscape. Also Australia, I have never been there but would love to go because of all the stories I hear from all my Aussie friends. Italy and Spain too, I have never been there but am dreaming of visiting.

Related: Here’s what to expect if you’re travelling Italy in the spring.

What are the top 3 items on your bucket list? 

  1. I want to travel around the world and learn more about the history behind the different cultures which have always fascinated me.
  2. I want to improve myself and keep myself updated on all the new theories surrounding Egyptian history.
  3. I want to continue to work hard on my career and keep tourists interested in Egypt travel. 
Tour Leader Peter, Egypt
Peter keeps up to date with all the latest discoveries and theories surrounding ancient Egypt.

If you could lead a tour anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? 

  1. Egypt for sure, I am still visiting new places in Egypt, even now! 
  2. France. I fell in love with the Louvre Museum. I was there just once but I want to visit it again.
  3. Czech Republic because of the castles and the old buildings which I love. 
  4. South Africa. I have never been but all my South African friends made me love this place. I would love to do a safari there and see the wildlife!  
Tour Leader Peter, Egypt
Peter points out fascinating historic sights.

What do you like to do in your free time? 

I love reading and listening to music while I am walking. My favourite thing to do is drive my car to nowhere, listen to music and enjoy the nothingness all around. I also love spending time with my friends and playing backgammon.  

What would your travellers be the most surprised to learn about you?

They are always surprised when they learn that I have been a tour leader for 24 years and I am still doing it with passion. Also they are surprised every time I say names and dates of kings. They wonder how I still remember all of these names. However, the biggest surprise is when they find out that I was a DJ! 

Peter in Abu Simbel
Egypt has an extensive history and Peter knows it all!

Related: Get prepared for your Egypt trip with these top tips.

What is the best fun fact you like to share with people on tour? 

King Ramses II was married to several wives and Egyptians drive their cars at night with no lights on!

Why do you think people should travel? 

It is important to meet more people and learn about different cultures, mentalities and ways of thinking as well as different histories. Above all, travel teaches you about humanity. 

Egypt, Nile River
Travel teaches you about humanity.

What is your favourite meal from around the world? 

I love falafel and koshary, which is a vegetarian dish with pasta, lentils, rice, hummus, garlic, onion and tomato sauce. It’s delicious! Kofta and shawarma as well… 

Related: Read all about the origins of Falafel and more!

Best advice you’ve ever received? 

Simply be yourself and keep smiling no matter what! 

Tour Leader Peter, Egypt
Join Peter on an Egypt travel adventure!

Peter invites all types of travellers to join him and embark on a life-enriching tour to Egypt and Jordan! Discover what makes these fascinating countries favourites among history buffs, nature lovers and foodies alike!  

Discover even more with Expat Explore and have a look at our HOT DEALS on top tours!


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