Get to know your tour leader: Luke Watson

Tour leader and tour group visit the UK

Meet your tour leader Luke Watson

 Expat Explore tours would not be the same without our incredible team of tour leaders. These passionate tour leaders display seemingly endless amounts of knowledge and energy and truly go above and beyond to make sure that our travellers have the most memorable trip possible! To give you a bit of insight into these fascinating characters, we speak to some of our beloved tour leaders. Learn more about their favourite things, their passion for travel and the items on their bucket lists.

First up, we speak to legendary tour leader Luke! Frequent Expat Explore travellers will certainly be familiar with Luke’s friendly face and exciting adventures, most of which are documented on his Instagram. Luke also hosted the Behind the Bucket List YouTube series which gave us all a much-needed chance to escape into the joy of travel when travel was on pause in 2020. Luke is a specialist in UK and Ireland tours but what are some of his other favourite destinations? What does he do when he’s not leading tours? Read on to find out!

Quick Facts:
  • Name: Luke Watson
  • Age: 31
  • Nationality: British
  • Where do you live now? Gillingham, Kent
  • How many countries have you been to? 36
  • How long have you been a tour leader? 7 years
What did you do before becoming a tour leader?

It’s hard to remember life before tour leading as I’ve been doing it so long and it feels like in some capacity or another I’ve always been one! Before life on the road, I was very much a man of many jobs. I worked as an events/bar manager for Bath Spa University’s Students’ Union, a barman for a local nightclub, on a stage crew for a whole variety of large-scale shows like Strictly Come Dancing and Walking with Dinosaurs, and during the summer months, I worked as an activity leader for teenagers studying English in the UK. This was my first taste of the tourism industry!

Tour leader and tour group in France
Smiles all round for Luke and this tour group at the Pantheon in Paris!
What made you decide to become a tour leader?

During my time as an events manager, the highlight was getting to play host to the attendees. The moment I had a microphone in my hand I felt at home and ignited with passion and excitement. I felt this even more when guiding the international students around for the summer camps and knew that this was my calling. However, at this time in my life, I had no idea that multi-country tour leading was even a thing! Yet, a series of serendipitous events would eventually lead me to this dream job.

What is your favourite destination?

SCOTLAND!!!! I get to talk about my own Scottish heritage, tell some of my favourite historical stories (the Scottish wars of independence) and, best of all, WEAR MY KILT!

Tour leader and tour group visit the UK
Experience beautiful landscapes on Expat Explore tours!

Related: Discover some of Scotland’s most visited tourist destinations!

What country do you think everyone should visit?

Italy! I feel like a lot of people will say “well, of course, Italy”. However, for me, it’s not because of the amazing food and iconic sites. Although these are a big part of its charm, it’s more the fact that this is where many of the ideas and developments that would lead us out of the dark ages and lay the foundations of modern, Western civilisation found their spark. As the home and heart of the Renaissance, it’s a vital part of the epic story that is our history and should therefore be on everyone’s travel list. 

Tour leader and tour groups in Paris and Rome
Luke getting into the festive spirit on a Christmas tour in Paris (left) and seeing Rome’s Spanish Steps in the sunshine (right).

Related: Watch Luke travel through Rome in a golf cart in episode 4 of Behind the Bucket List!

Which destination has surprised you the most?

Berlin! My first time there, I didn’t expect to be so blown away but the feeling of freedom you get with it being Europe’s capital of counter culture is a beautiful vibe to experience. Honestly, a city that I could see myself living in one day. 

Related: Spend New Year’s Eve in Berlin when you join our Northern Explorer Christmas & New Year tour!

Dream destination you’d still like to visit?

I’m a person of extremes and one day I’d love to push my own limits and head to the deep south and make my way to the South Pole like the legendary heroes of what we call the ‘Heroic age of Antarctic exploration’ once did. 

What are the top three items on your bucket list?

To cycle from London to Istanbul, visit 100 countries and become fluent in Italian.

Tour leader and tour group at Belvedere Palace in Vienna
It’s easy to see that Luke is a natural entertainer, host and traveller!
If you could lead a tour anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

ATLANTIS! If/when we find it, imagine the feeling of taking a group to what has been one of the world’s greatest mysteries! SIGN ME UP!

What do you like to do in your free time?

Ah, this elusive thing known as free time… I’m only joking, it’s funny that during the tour season (May – October) you forget what it feels like to have ‘free’ time. When the season suddenly ends and it’s like “Damn, what do I do now?!” I’ll get some surfing in, lots of cycling and of course cram in as much solo travelling as possible!

What would your travellers be the most surprised to learn about you?

During the pandemic I spent seven months working as an undertaker! 

Tour leader and tour groups in Switzerland and the Netherlands
From the snowy Swiss Alps to the Netherlands, you can see Europe’s top destinations on Expat Explore tours.
Favourite meal from around the world?

Korean Bibimbap! 

Best fun fact you like to share with people on tour?

I love asking people what they think Europe’s most visited site is. People always assume it’s the Eiffel Tower, Colosseum or something like this but it’s actually Disneyland Paris! An interesting insight into what people really want from life… to have a good time!

You’re set for a fun-filled adventure with Luke as your tour leader!
Why do you think people should travel?

We all have our own filter that we see the world through and I’ve always felt this filter has a spectrum that’s size is determined by how much perspective we accumulate. The wider the spectrum of the filter, the more understanding we can be towards others and ourselves, as well as any situations that life throws our way. To broaden our spectrum we need to accumulate more perspective. It feels like the best and quickest way to do this is to travel! I feel that this concept is at the heart of the old cliche “travel will open your mind”.

Best advice you’ve ever received?

There are no problems. Only solutions.

Young tour leader kayaking on Swiss lakes
Adventures are what life is all about!

Ready to explore more with Luke by your side? Have a look at our UK & Ireland tours and find the perfect itinerary for you! Alternatively, get to know some of our other fabulous tour leaders and destinations when booking one of our upcoming tours.

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