Travel story: Getting engaged abroad on tour in Scandinavia!

Engaged couple travel through Bergen, Norway

Engaged couple on tour in Scandinavia

Travel brings us many wonderful things in life. Unforgettable adventures, new experiences, friends from around the world and, best of all, love! Travel helps us create memories to last a lifetime. Expat Explore travellers Joe Martinez, 31, and Paige Collins, 32, both from the USA, experienced this magical aspect of travel when they became engaged while on tour!

During the Scandinavian Escape tour in June 2022, Joe popped the question and Paige said yes. What an incredible start to a trip through Scandinavia! The happy couple then completed the rest of the tour and made even more incredible memories along the way. After returning home, Joe and Paige shared their story of becoming engaged on tour with us in a Q&A. Read all about their romantic tale below – and be prepared for some warm and fuzzy feelings! 

Q: First of all, congratulations! Can you give us a brief overview of your relationship as well as how the proposal took place?

A: We met online in 2020 via a dating app. Shout out Hinge! We have been together for two years now. A house and two doggies later! 

The proposal happened in King’s New Square in Copenhagen on the second night of the trip, on June 13th. I was completely surprised. We had drinks by the canal at Nyhavn. After that we walked to the square, Joe wanted to get a picture with his go pro. That’s when he proposed.

Q: Joe – what made you decide to propose while travelling and was it difficult to keep it a secret?

A: I wanted to make it unforgettable. I only told a total of three people so Paige wouldn’t have any suspicions. 

Engagement on tour abroad in Scandinavia
Joe proposed to Paige in Copenhagen, Denmark!
Q: What made getting engaged while travelling a special experience?

A: When travelling in general, you seem to have moments, food, places and experiences that stick with you. I think getting engaged while in Copenhagen, a city we fell in love with, will only make us remember all the things we loved about the city even more. It also allowed us to completely enjoy the rest of the trip as “newly engaged”.

Q: Have you two travelled together before? What have been your favourite destinations?

A: Yes, as much as possible. Our favourite place so far has been Iceland. We also love quick weekend trips to North Carolina and Colorado!  

Q: Why did you choose the Scandinavian Escape tour?

A: It was on our bucket list. We really wanted to visit Norway, Sweden and Denmark in one trip. It is nice that Expat Explore provides transportation to/within all these countries. We also  had a layover in Scotland two days before arriving in Denmark.

Q: What were your favourite destinations on tour?

A: These were our top three:

  1. Copenhagen – the people, food and city were amazing.
  2. Fjords of Norway
  3. Sigtuna/Odense – picture perfect towns which were so peaceful.
Couple explore Norway fjords Engagement on tour abroad
Joe and Paige exploring Norway’s magnificent fjords.
Q: Did you take part in any optional activities on this tour? If so, what was your favourite?

A: Yes. Mostly every optional we did. Our favourites were the fjords and the Vasa Museum!

Q: Any highlights or funny memories from the tour you’d like to share?

A: Outlander talks with tour leader Inge! Laughs with travel buddies. Joe leaving his personal items at places constantly

Q: What was it like to travel with a group of “strangers”?

A: Awesome. We had a really great group of people on our tour.

Group tour visiting Scandinavia Engagement on tour abroad
Joe and Paige with their Scandinavian Escape tour group and tour leader, Inge.
Q: Would you do an organised group tour again?

A: YES! We are ready for our next trip already.

Q: Finally, do you have any dream honeymoon destinations in mind?

A: Yes! Italy and Greece (maybe an Expat tour ) 

Couple travel to Bergen Norway Engagement on tour abroad
Scandinavia will undoubtedly always hold a special place in the couple’s heart!

Congratulations once again to this happy couple for this unforgettable engagement story! If Joe and Paige have inspired you to go off and create some travel memories of your own, now is the perfect time! Take a look at Expat Explore’s fun, convenient and affordable group tours and visit destinations including Scandinavia and beyond!

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