Category: Travel Story

  • Travel story: Don’t wait, start traveling now!

    Travel story: Don’t wait, start traveling now!

    “My trip to Italy absolutely ignited my passion for travel and learning and seeing more of the world. I always planned to travel when I retired, but that is not on the cards anytime soon, so need to make the most of my annual leave and see whatever I can!” Sharon Costigan fell in love…

  • Travel Story: What my love for travel has taught me about taking it easy and living in the moment

    Travel Story: What my love for travel has taught me about taking it easy and living in the moment

    Debe Dene is an entrepreneur, budding writer, creative soul, currently living in Los Angeles California (with dreams of living internationally). She loves to explore the world and also has a passion for the fashion and beauty industry. One of her favourite quotes is one by Rose Tremain: Life is not a dress rehearsal, live in…

  • Travel Story: Escape, explore – all within my budget

    Travel Story: Escape, explore – all within my budget

    Jamie Gearside considers travel the best way to escape from the mundane and stresses of everyday life. This 40-year old Return-to-Work Specialist from Newcastle, Australia joined Expat Explore on a tour to Eastern USA and Canada. “Travelling helps me clear my head, all my troubles disappear and become insignificant when there is a new place…

  • Travel Story: First-time traveller? Here’s why group travel is for you!

    Travel Story: First-time traveller? Here’s why group travel is for you!

     Not everyone spends their childhood exploring the world. Take 32-year-old Korey Witalka from Chicago, Illinois, for instance. Senior marketing coordinator by day, travel dreamer by night, this adventurous lady only set foot outside of the US when she was 24, but once she did there was no stopping her. “Growing up I never really traveled…

  • Insider’s perspective: Israel & Jordan

    Insider’s perspective: Israel & Jordan

    Israel and Jordan have cropped up on the lists of the world’s most seasoned adventurers of late. We decided to find out what all the fuss was about and gain some insider info. This is why we caught up with Zander, who embarked on a bi-country excursion to this neck of the woods in November 2017.…

  • Travel Story: It’s more than a bug, traveling has consumed me

    Travel Story: It’s more than a bug, traveling has consumed me

    Remedios Valeriano got her first glimpse of travelling ‘by accident’ at the age of 48. Since then, she makes sure that she is well-prepared and informed about her next destination. “I do tonnes of research about it, which cities to tour and landmarks or scenery to immerse myself in.” I am 50 years old and…

  • Travel Story: Life is short and the world is too big not to travel

    Travel Story: Life is short and the world is too big not to travel

    Jeffrey Lee is originally from Korea, carries a US passport, lived in Kigali (Rwanda) for almost 8 years and currently lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand. After retiring from 37 years of banking, Jeffrey and his wife Kristin are currently involved in a ministry that equips and empowers businesses with a mission in Asia and Africa.…

  • Travel Story: Take the risk, it’s so worth it!

    Travel Story: Take the risk, it’s so worth it!

    Samantha Tibbel (28) had her first taste of travel was when she went to Greece in 2011, to celebrate graduating from college. Working as a Tax Administrator at Deloitte in Canada. “My desire to see the world is why I decided to travel. My dad traveled when he was young and his stories definitely helped…

  • Travel Story: I found my Dutch roots in South Africa

    Travel Story: I found my Dutch roots in South Africa

    Anne is a 66-year old retired teacher from Canada. She’s also the mother of one of our famed tour leaders! Anne and her husband joined us on a number of tours. We got in touch with her to find out why she travels and what she experienced on tour with us. I am always a…

  • Travel Story: Stephanie, Romario & their big moment on the Venice canal

    Travel Story: Stephanie, Romario & their big moment on the Venice canal

    Meet Stephanie and Romario, an adventure-seeking couple from South Africa who live and work in England. The pair departed on the Europe Highlights tour in 2017 to follow their dream of travelling the continent, and returned home a much tighter unit. We caught up with the happy couple to find out more about their travels…