Travel Story: Group travel took me to unlikely places

riding a camel in egypt - tour to egypt

Petra Mojica, 48, is from Arizona and works as a full-time nurse.  After deciding to take the plunge and travel, she was met with apprehension and fear from colleagues and friends.  But, she decided to do what she felt she needed to do and booked a tour to Egypt and she is so glad she did!

My goal for every year was 1 trip in the United States, and 1 trip outside the United States. Unfortunately this wasn’t always possible, as life doesn’t allow for everything to happen.

So in 2017, I went overboard… I went to Egypt in April-May, New York in July, Europe tour in September, Mexico in October and China in November!

After all that travelling and seeing all the different places – Egypt was a favourite.

Group travel took away my fears and worries

After seeing the Egypt tour online, the price was fabulous. I couldn’t pass it up and I said – it’s now or never! My friends and family were terrified and begged me not to go but I knew I had to.

Egypt was on my list because of all the Agatha Christie novels and movies – it was a true bucket list dream. It was such a pleasant surprise to realise how safe I felt. Travelling with a group meant that I didn’t have to worry about safety and I was able to sit back and relax as the driver manoeuvred through the busy streets of Egypt.

“It was such a pleasant surprise to realise how safe I felt.”

It was so much fun. I love to see the ruins, I can only imagine how the travelers walked through those great buildings. Seeing the advanced culture, from all those years ago, was amazing. I was so pleasantly surprised to realise their intelligence and advancement in science, medicine and math.

Outside the sights I became very aware of the the people working for pennies in the hot sun.

Travelling made me appreciate all that I have

After travelling to Egypt I realised that I have to be grateful for all that I have. Outside the sights, I became very aware of the people working for pennies in the hot sun. While I appreciated what they were doing or selling, it made me think back to home and I promised I would stop complaining about my job.

Egypt stole my heart with its people, the history and the eye-popping ruins. It saddens me to realise that they were so advanced, only to struggle as they do now.

If you’ve never travelled before and you’re thinking about it – just do it! I took my first solo trip to Hawaii last year and the fire of travel was awaked – don’t let other people or your own fears stop you.

“The hardest thing was getting a picture of myself with the background – so I learnt to invest in a selfie stick with Bluetooth.”

I am very shy and because I travel by myself I take a few days to warm up to people but when you’re traveling on a coach – you’re bound to make friends!

Seeing the advanced culture, all those years ago, was amazing.

Next stop is South Africa

I can’t wait to do the safari in South Africa, it reminds me of the National Geographic shows I’ve been watching since I was a little girl. Another reason to visit my second country in Africa is because I met so many nice people on the Expat Explore tour from there, I want to see the animals, go to the beaches, visit them.

Petra Mojica was born in Puerto Rico and now lives in Arizona. She joined Expat Explore on the Egypt Nile Adventure tour, European Vistas and is joining the South Africa Escape tour.


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