Visit South Africa’s historic sites this Nelson Mandela Day

Since 2010, on the 18th of July, the world has come together to celebrate International Nelson Mandela Day, affectionately known as Madiba or Mandela Day. On this day we are reminded of the power of forgiveness and the importance of equality for all. We honour the legacy of this legendary leader who forever changed the history of South Africa for the better. We also remember his lifelong dedication to peace, equality, and social justice. 

Not only did he empower and inspire a nation into a new way of life and set it free of its destructive constitution, but he has also inspired countless others to always put their best foot forward and to fight for what is right.

Expat Explore has put together this guide to the top Nelson Mandela attractions in South Africa, to help you celebrate Mandela Day and contribute positively to our communities.

Nelson Mandela statue
The Nelson Mandela Statue in Cape Town.

Related: Read our quick guide to South Africa.

Historic Sites in South Africa that celebrate Mandela

This day coincides with Nelson Mandela’s birthday, and it is a global call to action to dedicate just 67 minutes of our day to serving our communities. Inspired by the 67 years that Madiba tirelessly fought for social justice and equality makes celebrating Mandela with just 67 minutes on this day an honour to partake in. We have a unique opportunity to not only participate in this day of service but also deepen our understanding of the man who shaped the nation of the founders of Expat Explore. 

Celebrate your right and responsibility to make an impact today, no matter how big or small because every little bit counts!

Related: Be inspired by these Nelson Mandela quotes.

Following in Madiba’s footsteps 

There is no shortage of historic sites in South Africa that are dedicated to preserving the legacy of Nelson Mandela. They offer profound insights into the past and present. Choosing to stop at these locations on your tour of South Africa allows for a deeper understanding of his life and his fight for freedom.

Visit one, or more, of these must-see Nelson Mandela tourist attractions to learn some South African history facts.

Apartheid Museum, Johannesburg

This powerful museum delves into the history of apartheid, the racial segregation system that Nelson Mandela spent his life fighting against. Through interactive exhibits, personal stories, and historical artefacts, visitors gain a harrowing yet crucial understanding of South Africa’s past.

Top historic sites in South Africa
Delve into South Africa’s history at this iconic museum.

Related: Visit Johannesburg on our Kruger Safari and the Panorama Route tour!

Robben Island, Cape Town

This UNESCO World Heritage Site served as Nelson Mandela’s prison for 18 years. A guided tour allows visitors to explore the cell where Mandela was held, witness the harsh conditions he endured, and appreciate the unwavering spirit that kept him fighting for freedom.

Historic sites in South Africa that represent Mandela
A bird’s eye view of Robben Island.

Related: These are the top things to do in Cape Town.

The Nelson Mandela Statue, Cape Town

This towering statue at the City Hall in the city centre of Cape Town stands as a permanent tribute to Nelson Mandela’s leadership and vision. Take a moment at the foot of the statue to reflect on his message of reconciliation and unity.

Soweto, Johannesburg

This township was a hotbed of anti-apartheid activism. Explore Soweto’s vibrant culture. Visit the Hector Pieterson Museum commemorating the 1976 Soweto Uprising, and pay your respects at Nelson Mandela’s former home in Vilakazi Street.

Fun fact: This township street was home to two great legends of South Africa — Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu.

Mandela House sign in Soweto
Follow the sign in Soweto to explore Madiba’s history.

Related: Find out what it’s like to explore South Africa with a travel buddy.

Beyond the landmarks, celebrating Mandela Day like a local

When it comes to celebrating Mandela Day, it goes beyond just visiting the above-mentioned landmarks. While visiting these historical sites is undeniably moving, the true essence of Mandela Day lies in action. Here are some ways you can actively contribute and celebrate Mandela Day.

Volunteer your time

Numerous organisations throughout South Africa, and the world, welcome volunteers on Mandela Day. Search online or enquire locally to find opportunities that align with your skills and interests. From assisting at soup kitchens to helping with environmental clean-up projects, there are countless ways to make a difference. It doesn’t even need to be an official organisation that needs your help. Take the day to talk to people you would usually walk right past and be open to spreading the kindness that encompasses the spirit of this day. You could also plant a garden or tree where the whole neighbourhood can enjoy it. There is no right or wrong way to volunteer your time.

People volunteering
Lend a helping hand.

Donate to a cause

If your schedule doesn’t allow for volunteering, consider making a donation to a charity or foundation working towards social justice, education, or helping the underprivileged. Many organisations hold fundraising drives specifically for Mandela Day.

Donation box
A little goes a long way!

Learn about Ubuntu

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. A core philosophy in South African culture, Ubuntu, emphasises the interconnectedness of humanity. Take this opportunity to learn about Ubuntu and its role in Nelson Mandela’s vision for a just society.

And while we’re on the subject of learning, getting to know a few phrases in isiXhosa or isiZulu, two of South Africa’s most spoken native languages, is a great way to spread a little more joy on this day. Even a simple greeting can go a long way in showing respect and fostering human connection, give it a try and see for yourself!

Discover South Africa's historic sites
We are all connected.

Related: Read an inspiring travel story about starting solo and ending as a family in South Africa.

Spread awareness

Share the story of Nelson Mandela and the importance of Mandela Day with your friends, family, and online network. Talk to your children about Mandela’s legacy and ignite their passion for social justice.

Embrace diversity

South Africa is a nation built on the richness of its diverse cultures. Celebrate Mandela Day by exploring local businesses owned by people of colour, attending cultural events, and engaging in respectful conversations with people from different backgrounds. Remember, the 67 minutes dedicated on Mandela Day are just a starting point. Let this spirit of service inspire you to contribute positively to your community on an ongoing basis. By actively participating in social causes and embracing the values Mandela championed, you can truly become part of the fabric of South Africa while honouring the legacy of its greatest leader.

Related: Celebrate South Africa with Drink Chenin Blanc Day.

By combining historical exploration with active participation, you can create a truly meaningful Mandela Day experience. Book your South African adventure today and be part of the legacy!

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