Video of the Week- Barcelona

Barcelona’s made it into our Video of the Week slot before, but this is a far more ‘hands on’ video which reveals the city at street level. We love it! Have you been to Barcelona?

Barcelona – GoPro travel edit from Jeremy Janin on Vimeo.

Barcelona’s vibrant culture stretches beyond its beaches, its legendary architecture and its world-famous drinking and dining scene. With architectural wonders stretching back thousands of years, it’s a city rich in character and creativity. Whether you’re strolling the markets for fresh produce, taking a walk along the beachfront, exploring gastronomical delights or relaxing in one of the city’s parks, you’re in for a real treat.

Get a taste for the unmistakable buzz of Barcelona and you might understand why the city deserves a second mention in our Video of the Week series. Want more of Barcelona? Check this out.

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