10 Interesting Facts About Georgia (country) & Travel Advice

Tbilisoba, in georgian traditional costume is dancing Djeiran dance

Did you know that there is a country in Europe that is commonly mistaken for the US state of Georgia? Georgia is a captivating country located at the intersection of Europe and Asia; between the Caucasus Mountains and the Black Sea. To help you get to know more about the country of Georgia, we have gathered 10 fun facts about Georgia. You’ll be adding this unique destination to your bucket list in no time!

Where is the country of Georgia?

While it technically falls in Asia, the locals consider the country to be part of Europe. This former Soviet Union country is naturally beautiful. It is also home to an abundance of monasteries, cathedrals and churches; similar to its neighbouring countries, Azerbaijan and Armenia.  Together the three make up the Caucasus region of Europe.

Georgia is a relatively new travel destination for visitors from countries in Western Europe, the USA, UK and even places like Iran, Israel and China. This seemingly overnight tourism boom is due to natural beauty, fashion, art and alternative creativity. If you’ve never heard of it or if you want to discover this Eurasia gem and are looking for Georgia travel advice, here are 10 interesting facts about Georgia:

Top 10 Georgia country facts

1. Georgia’s Five Cross Flag

Georgia’s flag has an important meaning and symbolism. The Five Cross Flag has a white background with a red cross in the middle. The large cross is the cross of St George, the patron saint of Georgia. In each of the four white quadrants is a smaller red cross (the same colour as the large one). The white of the flag represents peace, and the five crosses represent Christianity and sacrifice.

The flag was originally a banner from the medieval Kingdom of Georgia. It only became the modern-day flag in Georgia in January 2004. In 2003, protest erupted against the then-president Eduard Shevardnadze. Instead of carrying guns or weapons, they carried roses and the Five Cross Flag. The flag is a symbol of the National Movement known as the Rose Revolution.

Tbilisi city, the capital of Georgia.
2. Georgia’s names – in English and in local Georgian languages

While there is no conclusive evidence as to how Georgia got its name, there is believed to be a direct link to St George. In fact, there is a golden statue of the saint slaying a dragon in Tbilisi Central Square. St George is the Patron Saint of Georgia and is believed to have been sentenced to death for refusing to renounce his Christianity. 

When you travel to Georgia, Tbilisi, it’s important to note that Georgians don’t call their country by its English name. Locals refer to it as ‘Sakartvelo’, translated to “the place where the Kartvels – Georgians – are living”.

3. Georgian cuisine

Georgia may be a small country, but there is an abundance of interesting and delicious food. One of the most notable is ‘shotis puri’. The traditional bread is made in a round clay oven (known as a ‘tone’). The dough is then stuck around the walls of the oven and baked. Only skilled bakers are able to achieve the delicious bread. The oven needs to be hot and the dough sticky enough to stay glued to the sides.

Bread-making in a traditional clay oven.

Another intriguing treat in Georgia is ‘Churchkhela’, the uniquely candle-shaped candy. The main ingredients are nuts, flour and grape must. The skewers are dipped in thickened grape juice and then dried in a sausage form.

Travellers to Georgia should definitely try a taste of ‘shotis puri’ and ‘churchkhela’!

Georgia’s unique candy, Churchkhela
4. The language & writing system

Georgian is one of four Kartvelian languages. These are unlike any language you will have heard spoken before!The other three are Laz, which is spoken in northeast Turkey, Svan used in Svaneti, Georgia and Megrelian, spoken in Samegrelo, Georgia. The Georgian script has three alphabets: Asomtavruli, Nuskhuri and Mkhedruli. Modern-day Georgia uses Mkhedruli, which has 33 letters and no capital letters. Another interesting fact is that the Georgian language has no gender. When speaking to or about someone, you merely refer to them as “that”.

5. The birthplace of winemaking

The ancient wine-growing region of Kakheti is said to be the birthplace of wine. UNESCO has listed the country’s wine-making method as a notable piece of cultural heritage. The wine is fermented in a clay jar called a ‘qvevri’. The jars are filled with grape juice and sealed with a wooden lid. The sealed jar is then buried underground to ferment and follow a natural process of wine-making. The crucial part of the traditional method is minimal human interaction. This method was first mentioned in 8 BC by the ancient Greeks!

A visit to Kakheti is a must for any wine enthusiasts who enjoy a vacation to Georgia!

6. Religion in Georgia

Georgians still actively practice Orthodox Christianity. Georgia adopted Christianity as its national religion in 326 AD – the second country in the world to do so. Majority of the population are Eastern Orthodox Christian. Despite the large Christian influence, Georgia is respectful towards other religions. The country has a number of Catholics, Armenian Apostolic and Muslims.  

7. Churches & monasteries in Georgia

There is a large variety of holy places found in Georgia – from the caves of the Vardzia Monastery to the isolated Gergeti Trinity Church found on Erusheli Mountain. Visitors can explore historic sights like Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, which was built as far back as the 11th century! Many tourists pilgrimage here to visit these holy places.

Ananuri is a castle complex on the Aragvi River in Georgia.
Ananuri is a castle complex on the Aragvi River in Georgia.
8. Georgia’s UNESCO world heritage sites

There are three UNESCO sites in Georgia: Gelati Monastery, Mtskheta and all its historical monuments, and the Upper Svaneti Region. The Gelati Monastery was built in 1106 and was a hub of culture and intellect during the Middle Ages. The medieval complex is considered to be a masterpiece of the ‘Golden Age’ of Georgia. UNESCO declared it as a Heritage Site in 1994.

The historical monuments of Mtskheta were declared UNESCO Heritage Sites in 1994. Mtskheta was the capital of the East Georgian Kingdom from the 3rd to the 5th century BC. This was also where Christianity was declared to be the national religion of Georgia in the early 4th century. The notable sites include the Jvari Monastery and the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. The surrounding area is also a heritage site.

The Upper Svaneti region was declared a UNESCO Heritage site in 1996. The village of Chazhashi is seen as an ideal example of the preservation of medieval architecture.  More than 200 of the unique tower houses of the medieval times are still standing. These towers were dwellings and protection against invaders in the 9-12th centuries. The village sits in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains.

9. Home to Joseph Stalin

Georgia is a former Soviet Republic and was home to the controversial political figure Joseph Stalin. Stalin was the Former General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. There is a Stalin Museum in the town of Gori in Georgia. Within the museum, there is a death mask room where visitors can see Stalin’s death mask on an altar-like structure.

Joseph Stalin Museum.
10. Georgians love guests

Great news for travellers – Georgians believe that a guest is a gift from God. This makes hospitality a way of life in Georgia. At every supra (traditional Georgian feast) guests are welcomed with open arms and locals delight in feeding newcomers traditional treats. If you’re from abroad then you’re considered to be a guest of the country.  Mealtimes are celebrated as they bring people together and there is always plenty of wine and food going around. There is a ‘tamada’ or toastmaster present at every ‘supra’. This person is required to entertain, inspire or give thanks. If you find yourself welcomed into a Georgian home remember to raise a glass and say “Gaumarjos!” (cheers!).

Georgia is a beautiful and unique country, ready to be explored. After learning more about the country Georgia, you should be ready for a trip! And the best part of all, you can enjoy local Georgia tour packages and tour Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia with us! Simply take a look at our Caucasus region tours here for more. 

3 responses to “10 Interesting Facts About Georgia (country) & Travel Advice”

  1. Amazing places to visit spend time place like this taste of European culture as well as sense of Asia its unique if someone has resources must stay there for couple of months. There is history and culture it will enhance the knowledge and taste of living.
    I have to stay there as much as possible.

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